I-29 is a political adventure/thriller that explores the dynamics that exist between the individual and society. It follows Stephen Christianson, an everyday man who minds his own business, in his quest to fulfill his dream: to be left alone to live his life.
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Matthew Rothchild
Matthew Rothchild is first-time author and a 2004 graduate of the University of North Dakota now residing in Robbinsdale, MN. An avid explorer of both the concrete and abstract worlds, Matthew has visited hundreds of historical points of interest ranging from the grandest and most well-known to the most obscure and forgotten.
His interests include history, politics, theology, and travel, having journeyed extensively throughout the Upper Midwest, exploring abandoned towns and places of historical and religious significance along the way.
He has been published in the Mensa Society’s national magazine, The Mensa Bulletin, as well as numerous newspapers across the Upper Midwest.