Getting Started
- Use the form below to tell us about your project. What type of book it is (fiction, non-fiction, word count, etc) If accepted, we’ll get information about you later for your “About the Authors” page.
- Cut and paste your synopsis and include a chapter.
- Make sure your work is complete and ready for publication. We occasionally make comments. It is up to you whether you take the suggestions. The more corrections that need to be made, the longer it will take to get published. We will only do minor edits for the occasional misspelled, or wrong word (ex. Their or there, they’re). We will not “book doctor”. If you have too many errors, we will ask you to review your work and re-submit it at a later time.
What We Need From You Once Accepted
- After acceptance we need your work double-spaced, (do not justify margins) 12 point Times New Roman, or similar font, with one inch margins on all sides. Pages must be numbered, with your name, title of work, genre and e-mail address in the header of each page. (MS Word formatting)
- Send the artwork for your cover page. If you don’t have a cover for your work, we will work with you in creating one. There are several websites you can search for cover art. Some artwork you may have to purchase. Make sure you have the rights to use those pictures.
- We will need your picture (optional, but preferred) for the “About the Author” page, and a brief paragraph about yourself (optional, but preferred) .
- We will need a brief paragraph about your Title for your book page.
- Children’s books with full color pictures, must be scanned and sent as a jpg or png file, or create a disk and send by regular mail.
Basic Terms
- Once we have accepted your work, we will e-mail you an agreement between us.
- Seashell Books will have the rights to publish author’s work for print and/or electronic versions for one (1) year after title is published to our site; then rights revert back to the author. Author may keep his/her title on our website after the year is up without resigning an agreement. To discontinue after the year, we require a 30 day notice. (for procedures on copyrighting your work, click on The U.S. Government Copyright Office.
- If there are no major corrections that need to be made to your work, it should be up and running in about thirty (30) days, otherwise it may take longer. If we find too many errors, we will notify you to revise your work and resubmit. Seashell Books is under no obligation to “book doctor”.
- You will have the right to terminate this agreement at anytime, with a Termination of Agreement fee of $50.00 (fifty dollars) before the year is up.
- If your work, for some reason, has not been published to our site within six (6) months after the agreement has been signed, author has the right to terminate the agreement with written notice, and without a termination fee. We will not hold up your work.
- Author and Seashell Books will split royalties, after tax, Paypal fees, printing cost, shipping charges, retailer percentages, etc. have been deducted from the price of the book. Publisher will set the price of the books; however, we will also talk to you about the price of the book and projected royalties before publication. Author understands royalties may vary due to different retailer/wholesaler percentages.
- There will be no direct out of pocket expense to you with us for publishing your e-Book. We will advertise your Book on our site; however, it is the author’s responsibility to promote his/her own work, directing those interested to your Book page. After all, it’s “YOUR” eBook.
- Submissions must be formatted for MS Word.